In February 2023, We embarked on an exhilarating journey to launch 'Çokoprens Dark,' a daring twist to a beloved classic. Faced with the challenge of introducing this bold new flavor in a saturated market, our team leaned into our core strengths of innovation and creativity. We developed a multi-faceted digital campaign that resonated with the brand's dynamic voice, starting with a captivating key visual and a catchy slogan that set the tone. Our strategy included a robust digital campaign package, influencer marketing with a clear creative direction, engaging e-commerce creatives, and breathtaking 3D pack designs complemented by a trio of poses. The centerpiece was a striking 3D animation revealing the packshot, which not only highlighted the product but also told its unique story. The result? A successful launch that not only caught the eye of the target audience but also solidified Çokoprens Dark as a bold player in its category, showcasing Cactus Motion's ability to blend artistic vision with marketing acumen to create impactful, memorable campaigns.”